Buyer Protection & Extended Warranty
Buyer Protection
Every time you use your MEMBER CARD® debit card, for an Interac® Direct Payment purchase, you're protected with the following benefits:• This coverage offers protection on the purchase of most retail items - including gifts.
• For a full 120 days after the purchase, the item is protected if it's stolen, dropped, broken or even consumed in a fire.
• Valid claims will be satisfied either by replacing the item, or by a cash payment in an amount not to exceed the amount of the total purchase price.
Extended Warranty
The program doubles the warranty period of a purchased item up to two years, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada for five years or less. For example, when you purchase a new television, the manufacturer would typically offer a one-year warranty. But if you use your credit union debit card for the purchase, the television would be protected for an additional one year.Have questions about the program or want to submit a claim? Contact our office and we will be happy to help.
® Trade-mark of Interac Corp. Used under licence.