Contact Us
- To report your card as lost or stolen, call 1-888-277-1043, or, during regular business hours, call our office.
- If you are having a problem with your online banking, please call 1-888-CREDIT-U(273-3488) or email techsupport@sonomaservices.com
- Has access to your debit card been accidentally denied? This would be the result of a security feature enacted for your protection. This inconvenience can be fixed, however, by visiting an ATM and making a transaction or inquiry with the correct PIN. If you don't know your PIN, then you will need to visit a branch during regular business hours to have your card unblocked and reset.
Have a different question about your account, a new service or just need to get in touch with us?
- To submit an online request for technical assistance or to ask us about one of our services, please select the Contact Us link to the left to complete the appropriate secure online form.
- If you need to speak to someone directly during regular business hours, please:
- Call (709) 737-5624 or 1-800-409-2887 toll free.
- Fax (709) 737-2937.
- Email rkcu@reddyk.net
- Messages received outside of regular business hours will be returned asap upon re-opening.
- For branch, ATM locations, and our office hours, please use our branch locator.
- We appreciate your feedback. Please submit your comments or suggestions using the form provided.