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  • Community

Concern for community is one of our core credit union principles.

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Financial literacy

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Regional Community Initiatives

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Community Support


How we give back

Our credit union is proud to build financial literacy in our community. Through high school and post-secondary financial literacy sessions and the Each One Teach One Program, our team is passionate about bringing financial literacy to all individuals, members and non-members alike. If you or anyone in your network can benefit from this non-judgmental, educational expertise, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union is pleased to provide continued support for our students. In addition to a wide range of student products and services, Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union offers an annual academic scholarship.

The organizations and charities supported by Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union cover a range of services for students, seniors, at-risk youth, families in need, people experiencing homelessness, and individuals suffering from mental or physical health challenges.

Loyal2Local. During the summer, employees are given funds to spend at their favourite local establishments and are encouraged to promote their choice via social media. Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union believes that buying local is building local.

Pay it Forward. An annual initiative, Reddy Kilowatt Credit Union has given each employee $25 to pay it forward to a local organization or charity of their choice during the Christmas holiday season.


Need help with a community initiative?

We're always looking for opportunities to make great things happen in our community.
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